iPay88 Gateway for WooCommerce

A plugin that allows you to extend your WooCommerce installation iPay88 payment services.

Checkout Option


The plugin supports iPay88 Malaysia and Philippines gateways. SSL certificate is not required.

  1. Upload the `woocommerce-gateway-ipay88` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Navigate to `WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout > iPay88` to configure the iPay88 gateway settings.
  4. For alternative installation using the WordPress Admin panel | Click Here
  5. If you need help on how to upload and activate a WordPress plugin | Click Here.
Steps for configuration of your iPay88 installation.

  1. Login to your WooCommerce store
  2. Enable/Disable iPay88.
  3. Set your “Method Title” and “Description”. These options are seen on the checkout page.
  4. Enter your “Merchant Code”.
  5. Enter your “Merchant Key”.
  6. Enable “Debug Log”, if you want to get a log of the request and response steps and parameters.
  7. Save Changes.
  • Enable/Disable
    • Enable iPay88.
  • Method Title
    • This controls the title which the user sees during checkout.
  • Description
    • This controls the description which the user sees during checkout.
  • Merchant Code
    • The Merchant Code provided by iPay88 and used to uniquely identify the Merchant.
  • Merchant Key
    • Provided by iPay88 OPSG and shared between iPay88 and merchant only.

      Main Settings
  • Available Payment Types
    • Choose the payment types you can offer to the customers.
    •     The Payment types will be presented to the customer to pre-select on the Checkout page.
    •     Do not choose any type to use the default selection on the iPay88 payment page.
  • Group Payment Types
    • Check if you want to use the css packed with the plugin. It will group the payment types in three columns.
  • Debug Log
    • Recommended: Test Mode only
    • Debug log will provide you with most of the data and events generated by the payment process.
      Main Settings Cont.


What do I provide to iPay88 before the integration?

iPay88 will ask you to provide:

  • Merchant Checklist: filled in with your merchant and integration information.
  • Request URL: the main page of your website ( i.e. http://www.example.com/ ).
  • Response URL: send with the payment parameters, so you do not need to provide them with one.

I am trying to do a test payment, but I just get redirected back to my home page. What should I do?

iPay88 accepts test payments with certain requirements. If those requirements are not met, then iPay88 will return you straight to your Response URL page.

The requirements are:

  • Total MYR 1.00 ( min PHP 15.00 for iPay88 Philippines ): The total amount of the order should be exactly MYR 1.00
  • Currency MYR ( PHP for iPay88 Philippines ): The currency of the order should be MYRMalaysian ringgit )
  • Testmode: The test mode of the plugin should be turned ON.

Please visit the plugin changelog page for more information.