PayPoint Gateway WooCommerce

WooCommerce PayPoint Payment Gateway will allows you to extend your WooCommerce installation with the PayPoint payment gateway.
The plugin integrates is supporting two type of integrations at once PayPoint Hosted and PayPoint Hosted + IMA. This guide will follow the specific of both integrations.

Checkout Option



  1. Upload the `woocommerce-gateway-paypoint` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Navigate to `WooCommerce > Settings > Payment Gateways` to configure the PayPoint gateway settings.
  4. For alternative installation using the WordPress Admin panel | Click Here
  5. If you need help on how to upload and activate a WordPress plugin click here.
  1. Visit and login to your merchant account. Make sure you choose Gateway Only, as a solution.

    Login to
  2. Go to Account > Account Details and you will see your Merchant ID.

    Account Details
  3. Now we need to set your Digest Key and Remote Password.
  4. Go to Account > Remote Passwords, choose Digest Key for Password type and enter twice the password. This Password goes into your plugin Digest Key field.
    Digest Key


  5. Go to Account > Remote Passwords, choose Remote for Password type and enter twice the password. This Password goes into your plugin Remote Password field.
    Remote Password


  6. Now lets set the plugin settings.

Settings here are pretty simple and if you followed the guide till now you have everything you need.

Main Settings:

  1. Login to your store
  2. Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > PayPoint
  3. Choose Hosted for Integration Method
  4. From here you enable the gateway, choose if you want to do test transactions, enter title and description for the checkout page.

    Main Settings
  5. The next part we just obtained the credentials for. Enter the Merchant ID and the Digest Key and Remote Password you set for the gateway.
  6. If you want to set Custom Logo, click here for the guide.
  7. The option to send confirmation email to the customer will do just that, prompt PayPoint to send payment confirmation email to the customers (on top of WC email they will receive).
    Main Settings Cont


3D Secure Settings:

  1. Enable the 3D Secure option.
  2. Enter your Merchant Name. This is an option to be send to the 3D secure. It could be your Company or the store name
  3. Enter your Merchant Domain URL. This is mostly the home page of your store.

    3D Secure

Debug Settings:

The settings here are two types. Debug mode, which generates and logs all requests and responses. And transaction and response errors emailed directly to you, if error occurs.

  1. Enable the option to receive error logs
  2. Enter the email you want to receive the logs on. Only, if 1 is enabled.
  3. Enable debug mode logging. It will log all requests and responses into a log file.

    Debug Settings
  1. Go to
  2. Login to your merchant account. Make sure you choose Complete Solution.

    Login to Merchant Account
  3. Navigate to Account Management > Installations > Choose the installation > Press Go.
  4. You will see a form with the Installation details. The Installation ID is the one you need to copy to the plugin settings.
  5. Return URL and Response URL are the same. The value can be found in the plugin settings > Return/Response URL. Usually it is
  6. You need to enter the Return and response URLs in to the corresponding fields and press Save Details.
    Account Installation Configuration


Setting up the gateway plugin settings is very simple. It has only one PayPoint gateway specific setting.

Main Settings:

  1. Login to your store
  2. Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > PayPoint
  3. Choose Hosted+IMA for Integration Method
  4. From here you enable the gateway, choose if you want to do test transactions, enter title and description for the checkout page.
  5. Enter the Installation ID, you will use to accept payment. This is the same Installation ID from the first part of the setup.
  6. Return/Response URL, you already saved in your PayPoint account setup.

Debug Settings:

The settings here are two types. Debug mode, which generates and logs all requests and responses. And transaction and response errors emailed directly to you, if error occurs.

  1. Enable the option to receive error logs
  2. Enter the email you want to receive the logs on. Only, if 1 is enabled.
  3. Enable debug mode logging. It will log all requests and responses into a log file.
    Debug Settings


  • Integration Method
    • Here you choose you integration method, depending on what account you have.
  • Test Mode
    • Enable test mode. The test mode uses three options.
    •     Test-Success: Will simulate a test payment with a successful payment process.
    •     Test-Fail: Will simulate a test payment with an unsuccessful payment process.
    •     Live: Will have your integration in live mode and you will be able to collect real payments.
  • Method Title
    • The title of the gateway displayed on the checkout page.
  • Description
    • The description displayed on the checkout page.
  • Merchant ID
    • (Hosted)This is your PayPoint merchant id usually six letters followed by two numbers. (abcdfg01)
  • Remote Password
    • (Hosted)This is the password used for md5 encrypted authentication from you to PayPoint. It can be up to 30 chars (minimum 8 chars) long. Use a strong Remote Password. The remote password can be configured from within the Merchant Extranet (Click on ‘Change Remote Passwords’ and select ‘Remote’ from the drop down list).
  • Digest Key
    • (Hosted)This is the password used for md5 encrypted authentication from PayPoint to you. It can be up to 30 chars (minimum 8 chars) long. Use a strong Digest key. The digest key can be configured from within the Merchant Extranet (Click on ‘Change Remote Passwords’ and select ‘Digest Key’ from the drop down list).
  • Payment Page Logo
    • (Hosted)Your logo must be 750 pixels in width by 100 pixels in height and must be sent to [email protected] with your account ID and a message to tell them to add this logo to your payment page. Once they have uploaded the image to their secure servers and let you know it is available, you can paste the absolute URL link to it. Example: This logo will show on the PayPoint payment page your customers see.
  • Enable 3D Secure
    • (Hosted)This option will send the required information to in order to take advantage of its 3D Secure feature.
    • Enable when the feature is enabled in your account.
  • Merchant Name
    • (Hosted)Enter here the merchant name to be displayed on the authentication page. Up to 25 characters.
  • Merchant URL
    • (Hosted)Enter here a fully qualified URL of your merchant website. Please enter the URL with the http:// in front. ( Example: )
  • Installation ID
    • (Hosted+IMA)The installation number you will use to receive payments. You can obtain it via the Merchant Extranet: Account Management > Installations.
  • Return/Response URL
    • (Hosted+IMA)The Paypoint Response Notification (PRN) is enabled and configured on a per-installation basis via the Merchant Extranet. Go to Account Management -> Installations -> select the relevant (Hosted +IMA) installation -> Copy and Paste the URL to ‘Response URL’ and to the Return URL fields. You are not bound to the URL you see in this field. You can write any page on your site as your Return/Response URL. For example, if you have an SSL on a certain page, you can write this page as your Return/Response URL.
  • Send Confirmation Email to Cardholder
    • Enable if you want PayPoint to send an order confirmation email to the cardholder.
  • Receive Error Logs
    • The plugin generates error logs every time it encounters errors in the payment response. If you want those error logs to be e-mailed to you, enable this option.
  • Email errors/reports to
    • Write here the email you want to receive all reports to. If you leave this empty, admin email will be used.
  • Debug Log
    • Debug log will provide you with most of the data and events generated by the payment process. Logged inside woocommerce/logs/PayPoint.txt.
    • Option is not recommended for a live store since it will keep feeding data into the log file.

Please visit the plugin changelog page for more information.